Every child in a healthy family.
Every family in healthy community.
The Homeward Project is a movement of ordinary Australians committed to seeing better outcomes for kids and families who have an experience of the child protection system.
Everyone has a part to play to ensure that every child experiences the welcome, stability and care of a home and community where they can thrive.

We are inspired and guided by values of proximity, partnership, restoration, connection, and integrity. Read more about our values and guiding principles here.
What we do
Our mission is to inspire and equip Australian Christians in a holistic ministry of Out-of-Home Care.
Key outcomes
We are responding to two key needs in the Out-of-Home Care system in Australia:
We believe we can positively transform the Out-of-home Care space by achieving the following key outcomes:

There’s a place for everyone.
We don’t all have to do the same thing, but we can all do something.
The Homeward Project will help you find the role you can play in the Out-of-Home Care space.