Foster Care in Australia
The main aim of Foster Care is to provide a safe and stable home environment for children when they need one.
Foster Care is provided by trained, assessed and accredited Foster Carers in their own home.
Except in emergencies, Foster Care is usually arranged only after other options for the child’s care with family members or known contacts have been explored.
Foster Care is provided by trained, assessed and accredited Foster Carers in their own home.
Except in emergencies, Foster Care is usually arranged only after other options for the child’s care with family members or known contacts have been explored.
It is important to understand that Foster Care is temporary and the primary goal is to reunite children with their birth family
Within the child protection system, the priority is first to preserve a family where possible, and if they are separated for a time, to reunify if it’s safe.
Decisions are made at various points throughout a child’s case and as a Foster Carer you’re loving them for however long they are with you, until the permanent placement plan is decided upon. It’s a unique role, full of unknowns and not without its challenges.
If you are interested in the more permanent types of care for children, you can find out more about these here.
Within the child protection system, the priority is first to preserve a family where possible, and if they are separated for a time, to reunify if it’s safe.
Decisions are made at various points throughout a child’s case and as a Foster Carer you’re loving them for however long they are with you, until the permanent placement plan is decided upon. It’s a unique role, full of unknowns and not without its challenges.
If you are interested in the more permanent types of care for children, you can find out more about these here.
The goal of entering into Foster Care is not to add a child to your family, but to give your family for a child, for as long as they need one.
Children need families to care for them, some for the short-term and some until they’re 18 and beyond.
Foster Care is a space of opportunity to participate in God’s work to pour out His love in a way that seeks to restore families and to provide families for children if restoration isn’t possible.
You may have heard stories about Foster Care that sound pretty full-on. The system is far from perfect. And so are we. Removing a child from an unsafe situation, even at a young age, does not remove the challenges that may then be faced due to early experiences (even during pregnancy). We warn strongly against any romantic notions of sweeping in and saving the day, but we do believe in a God who has redeemed us and can equip and strengthen us as we seek to love others the way we’ve been loved.
If you’re interested in exploring Foster Care further, learn more about it here.
Foster Care is a space of opportunity to participate in God’s work to pour out His love in a way that seeks to restore families and to provide families for children if restoration isn’t possible.
You may have heard stories about Foster Care that sound pretty full-on. The system is far from perfect. And so are we. Removing a child from an unsafe situation, even at a young age, does not remove the challenges that may then be faced due to early experiences (even during pregnancy). We warn strongly against any romantic notions of sweeping in and saving the day, but we do believe in a God who has redeemed us and can equip and strengthen us as we seek to love others the way we’ve been loved.
If you’re interested in exploring Foster Care further, learn more about it here.
Care & Culture
Family, culture and identity are interwoven and it’s important that wherever possible, any further loss or disconnection experienced by a child entering care is limited by respecting and maintaining their connection to culture.
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, if family reunification is not possible, the priority is for Kinship Care, or placement with carers who share the child’s culture. Read more about the importance of culture in care here.
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, if family reunification is not possible, the priority is for Kinship Care, or placement with carers who share the child’s culture. Read more about the importance of culture in care here.
State & Territory Information
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia

Foster Care: First Steps
Foster Care: First Steps is a free resource that will help grow your understanding of a faith-based, holistic approach to Foster Care and help you to consider your readiness to pursue it.