Volunteer in the Out-of-Home Care space
Many community service organisations are working hard to support children and families involved in the Out-of-Home Care system, or to prevent children from entering care in the first place.
Whether its supporting a child, young person, a carer, or a family doing it tough, if you have time and energy to give, you can be a valuable source of support and make a difference in someone’s life.

Volunteer Roles
We have listed below a range of volunteer opportunities within the Out-of-Home Care space. More information about the roles, criteria and application and screening processes is available on each organisation’s website linked below.
Click on the categories below to view the volunteer roles.
Let us know about other volunteer opportunities that you are aware of by emailing hello@homewardproject.org
Supporting Children & Young People
QLD: South, South-East, Brisbane, Central, North
NSW: Greater-Sydney
VIC: Greater-Melbourne, Bendigo, Ballarat, Geelong
Volunteer Pyjama Angels build and maintain a trusted relationship with a young person living in out-of- home care, visiting the young person in their home with a focus on learning-based activities for one hour per week over a minimum 12-month period. For more information visit: The Pyjama Foundation
NSW: Sydney, Maitland, Taree, Ballina
Wesley Aunts and Uncles open their heart and home to a child living with challenging family circumstances for one day or weekend a month for a minimum of 12 months, in a spirit of acceptance, friendship and understanding for both the child and their parent/s. More info at Wesley Mission, phone 02 9857 2966, or email auntiesuncles@wesleymission.org.au
NSW & VIC: various locations and online
Foster The Future’s mission is to help youth in care get back on track. They aim to empower kids in foster care through tutoring and educational support provided by dedicated university student volunteers. For more information visit: Foster The Future
VIC: Geelong
Meli’s Foster Care Children’s Village project enhances the experience of children in Out-of-Home Care by building a support network for Foster Care families through volunteers who provide practical support to children and their carers. For more information visit: Meli
TAS: various locations statewide
Fostering Hope’s mentoring project matches adults with young people aged 7-12 years old in care. Mentors are people who choose to spend time with a young person, invest in them, and be an extra support in their life. For more information visit: Fostering Hope
VIC: Melbourne metro, Gippsland
Volunteers are trained to connect children and young people in Out-of-Home Care with activities in the community to reduce isolation and disconnection by increasing social skills and confidence. For more information visit: Kids First Australia
VIC: Eastern Melbourne
Temcare’s MATES Mentoring program connects a young person with a volunteer mentor for regular organized activities. For more information visit: Temcare
VIC: Various locations statewide
Volunteer mentors assist eligible young Victorian learner drivers 16-21 years of age who do not have access to a supervising driver, or an appropriate vehicle gain driving experience required for a probationary licence. The program is delivered by local councils and not-for-profit community organisations across Victoria. For more information visit: VicRoads Transport Accident Commission (TAC) L2P program
Southern Cross Kids Camps provide annual camps for primary-aged children who have experienced trauma in various locations across VIC, NSW, QLD, NT. For more information visit: Southern Cross Kids Camps
Cru Camps provide great experiences for kids through a range of camps in various locations across NSW. For more information visit: Cru Camps
Edmund Rice Camps for Kids serves the needs of at risk or disadvantaged children aged 7–16 and their families by providing developmentally-focused recreational and educational respite programs in various locations across WA. For more information visit: Edmund Rice Kids Camps WA
Supporting Care Leavers
VIC: various locations (see below)
The Community Connections program screens and trains volunteer mentors to provide young people making the transition from care with support and opportunities to achieve their goals and build connections in the community. This program is part of the Victorian Government’s Department of Families Fairness & Housing Better Futures initiative and is delivered by various organisations including:
- Kids First Australia in Melbourne metro regions
- Jesuit Social Services in southern Melbourne and Bayside Peninsula
- Berry Street in North East Victoria
Refer to the Better Futures page for the full list of service providers by region.
Supporting Carers
VIC: Eastern Melbourne
The Friends Volunteer Program provides practical assistance to children and their carers across a number of Home Based Care programs in Melbourne’s Eastern metropolitan suburbs. For more information visit: Anglicare
Supporting Families
VIC: Sunshine & Bendigo
Home-Start is a voluntary home visiting service that offers practical support and mentoring to families with children under the age of five. For more information visit: Baptcare
NSW: Newcastle & Lake Macquarie
A home visiting program where trained and supervised volunteers visit a family with children aged 0-5 years in their own home, once a week. For more information visit: Home-Start Australia
VIC: Eastern Melbourne
Short-term respite care that provides families with a much-needed break and a child with a loving and caring environment. For more information visit: Temcare
Other Volunteer Roles
TAS: Various locations statewide
Various volunteer opportunities for those interested in providing wrap-around support for foster, kinship and informal carers and kids in their care. For more information visit: Fostering Hope
SA: Various locations statewide
Various volunteer roles working directly with the Child Protection Department. For more information visit: South Australia Child Protection Department
WA: Based in Wangara
Various volunteer roles with Fostering Hope Australia who gather donated good, provide suitcases to children entering care, and organise events for children in care. For more information visit: Fostering Hope