Provide a safe and loving home for a child.
Ever thought about Foster Care?
The difference you can make will last a lifetime.
Thousands of children and young people in Australia need a safe place to call home. We need more carers to open their homes, on either a part-time or full-time basis to provide short-term or long-term care.
It may be the hardest and best thing you ever do.

What is Foster Care?
When a child is unable to live at home for safety reasons and can’t be cared for by a relative, trained and assessed Foster Carers provide care while the best plan for permanent care of the child is determined.
Types of Foster Care include:
There is also a role for ‘Lead Tenants’ (or ‘live-in mentors’), supporting young people as they transition to independent living.
N.B. If you aren’t in a position to open your home to a child on a full-time basis, you might be able to provide Respite Foster Care, which can be both a good first step into Foster Care and a huge source of support for full-time carers.
For more information on the types of Foster Care and state-based links for Child Protection Departments, Foster Care Associations and lists of Foster Care Agencies, check out Foster Care: An Overview.
The ideal goal in Foster Care is for children to be reunited with their biological family where possible. Foster Care can sometimes lead to a permanent care arrangement, but this generally isn’t the main objective. Learn more about Permanent Guardianship and Adoption here.
Who can be a carer & what’s involved?
We’ve covered some frequently asked questions and gathered a range of information to help you decide if this is the right time to welcome a child into your home.
What’s your next step?
Pursuing Foster Care is a big decision. We encourage you to approach it with prayer, wise counsel, and within community.
There are plenty of points along the way that will help you to decide if this is the right time to welcome a child into your home, whether for monthly respite care, short-term care, or a longer-term placement. We encourage you to keep moving forward.

Foster Care: First Steps
Foster Care: First Steps is a free resource that will help grow your understanding of a faith-based, holistic approach to Foster Care and help you consider your readiness to pursue it.