Kinship Care


Kinship Care in Australia

Over half of the children who are not able to live with their parents and are placed in home-based care, are in Kinship Care.
Kinship care, sometimes called Relative Care, is care provided by relatives (often grandparents) or a member of the child’s social network.


24,521 children are currently in Kinship Care placements
54% of Out-of-home Care placements are Kinship Care placements
There are 15,543 Kinship Carer households with a placement

Kinship Care is the preferred placement type for children who cannot live at home with their parents.

Kinship Care has been a fast-growing placement type and is formally recognised as the preferred placement option for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children through the Aboriginal Child Placement Principle. 
Kinship carers may receive less support than foster carers, as many kinship cares work directly with the Department and don’t have the support that comes from an accredited Foster Care Agency. However, this does not mean the demand and support required for children in kinship care is less.
Kinship Carers might not readily identify as carers, for a variety of reasons. Of course, this should be respected, however, it is our hope that wherever possible Kinship Carers would be supported practically and emotionally in the crucial role they play in caring for many children and young people in our communities.

Kinship Carer Associations

Kinship carers who are opening their homes to care for a child shouldn’t have to do it alone.

How you can support carers

Ideas for how you can play a supportive role and come alongside carers that you know.

Find out more

How your church can care for carers

A guide for providing holistic support for carers in your church.

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Wrap-around Teams Resource

A resource to equip a carer and their ‘team’ to do the journey together.

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