Become a Homeward Advocate

Help lead a movement for change. Be a champion for The Homeward Project in your community.

Partner with The Homeward Project to spread the word, raise awareness, and rally people around the mission of seeing more homes for children who need one and support for carers opening their homes.

Download the Homeward Advocate resource below or email us at

As a Homeward Advocate, there are a range of ways that you can represent and join The Homeward Project on mission in your local community:

  • Pray with us
  • Help recruit Foster Carers
  • Support Carers (Foster, Kinship or Permanent/Guardians)
  • Engage your church
  • Host a Homeward Project Info Session
  • Mobilise volunteers to support children and families

Let’s explore what The Homeward Project can look like in your community!

If you are from a local church, we’d love to help you explore how to shape and sustain a local ministry of Out-of-Home Care in your community. Find out more here.

Other Resources


  • Celebrating Foster Care Week

  • Waking the sleeping giant.

  • It takes all of us. Ali & Noddy’s story

  • Caring for carers: Wrap-around support

  • 15 Foster care myths, concerns & FAQs

  • Foster Care Sunday

Your Church and the Homeward Project

Help transform Out-of-home Care in your community.


Churches Community Foster Care Kinship Care Supporting Carers Trauma Volunteer

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