Tag: Foster Care

  • Let me tell you about a beautiful little girl. Within hours of being born, she was placed into foster care. By the time she was three months old, she had already been cared for by four different “mums”. Statistics tell us that the outlook on her future is bleak. 71% of girls who age out …
    Read more: Salt and light.
  • I love the movie Lion King. I think it’s one of Disney’s best animated films. And any fan of the movie will tell you that the most pivotal scene is not – contrary to popular opinion – when Scar convinces little Simba that his father Mufasa’s death was his fault.   The most pivotal scene happens after adolescent …
    Read more: Yāṯôm part five: Don’t forget where you came from
  • I hate letting people down. I hate that feeling of realizing that you promised to do something but failed to follow through, especially when it comes to my kids.   The other day I told my four-year-old daughter that I would take her to the park after I got home from work. She was really looking …
    Read more: Yāṯôm part four: The promise that makes all the difference
  • I am a biological, foster and adoptive mum and God has shaped our family in unexpected ways along this journey. We’ve had the privilege of caring for children for a chapter in their stories before they’ve been able to reunify with their biological families and we’ve had the privilege of adopting our two youngest children. …
    Read more: Interrupted. Christine’s story
  • What does it mean to be blessed? According to Bruno Mars in his hit song 24 Karat Magic, it’s “Cuban links,” “designer minks,” and “Inglewood’s finest shoes.” It’s having “money in my pocket” and “so many pretty girls around me.” Endless parties, bottomless drinks, beautiful bodies and all the money you could ever want, that’s the …
    Read more: Yāṯôm part three: You are being lied to (the truth about who is truly blessed)
  • As a church community, you have a unique opportunity to bring compassion and practical support to children and families involved in the child protection system. Every small step can have a big impact. Here are three simple but powerful ways your church can make a meaningful difference for vulnerable children in your own backyard this …
    Read more: Three simple ways your church can make a difference in Out-of-Home Care this year
  • When most Bible teachers talk about God’s heart for the fatherless, they all seem to draw from the same few verses (ie. Psalms 68:5-6; James 1:27). But the Bible – especially the Old Testament – is full of passages that disclose God’s heart for the fatherless. This is a problem. It’s like we have been …
    Read more: Yāṯôm part two: I couldn’t believe what I found
  • Jen* climbed out of her window at 12 years old, needing to escape. It’s been a journey of unlearning and learning; ultimately breaking a cycle and leaving a legacy for the next generation. The love shown by her Foster Carers helped break through the lies that she’d come to believe about herself and she learned …
    Read more: Foster Care: Leaving a legacy
  • I grew up with a deep love for the outdoors. From a young age, my dad would take my brother and me camping and backpacking. One year we were gearing up for a 50-mile backpacking trip with several of my friends and their parents in Lassen National forest through the beautiful Cascade Mountains of California. …
    Read more: Yāṯôm part one: What the Bible really says about the orphan
  • In Australia, thousands of children need a safe, loving home—but what does it take to answer that call?  With two biological sons and three sons welcomed through Out-of-Home Care, Mary has experienced the joys and challenges of foster care firsthand. Through her work with Fostering Hope in Tasmania, she’s helping other carers embrace this life-changing journey, one …
    Read more: Faith, family & fostering hope. Mary’s story
  • This Christmas season, one local church is modelling a beautiful spirit of local partnership to help lighten the load for families to be able to have gifts under the tree – and this year they’re including a focus on foster carers. LifeHouse Care, the community arm of LifeHouse Church on the NSW mid-North Coast, wants …
    Read more: Under the Tree. Better together at Christmas
  • The cry of my heart and the work of my life has become to give voice to children and families experiencing foster care.  I am a biological, foster and adoptive mama and God has shaped our family in unexpected ways along this journey, as we’ve had the privilege of caring for children for a chapter …
    Read more: Interruptions and invitations.
  • The first time I began to encounter young people who had been in foster care was when I was in a youth worker role in New Zealand. I began to meet more and more young people who had aged out of the system. There was almost systemic homelessness happening (things have changed at a policy …
    Read more: Extending the boundaries. James’ Story
  • I was completing a Social Work degree and to be honest, I had no clue about Foster Care. I was on placement with the Department of Communities and Justice in the triage unit, where child protection reports are made and assessed. I loved being in that area as it was preventative work. I was least …
    Read more: For us, this is a ministry. Hayley’s Story
  • A children’s ministry resource to support your children’s program to create an inviting and welcoming environment for kids with an experience of Out-of-Home Care.  Recognising that families come in all shapes and sizes and that for children who have experienced foster care, kinship care, permanent care or adoption, ‘family’ can potentially be a bit of a complicated thing …
    Read more: We are all God’s family: Children’s ministry lesson
  • This week is Foster Care Week in many States and Territories across Australia. Foster Care Week is an opportunity to:Celebrate the unique contribution of Foster and Kinship Carers;Recognise the work of Out-of-Home Care organisations;Stand with young people in care, full of purpose and potential; andBelieve for the restoration of families. Join us in praying for …
    Read more: Celebrating Foster Care Week

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