Celebrating Foster Care Week

This week is Foster Care Week in many States and Territories across Australia.

Foster Care Week is an opportunity to:
Celebrate the unique contribution of Foster and Kinship Carers;
Recognise the work of Out-of-Home Care organisations;
Stand with young people in care, full of purpose and potential; and
Believe for the restoration of families.

Join us in praying for everyone involved in the Out-of-Home Care space and consider the role you can play in creating safe, supportive community for all children and families.

Explore how your church can partner with The Homeward Project to support those involved in the Out-of-Home Care space in your local community.

Find out more: homewardproject.org/churches

Other Resources


  • Salt and light.

  • Yāṯôm part five: Don’t forget where you came from

  • Yāṯôm part four: The promise that makes all the difference

  • Interrupted. Christine’s story

  • Yāṯôm part three: You are being lied to (the truth about who is truly blessed)

  • Three simple ways your church can make a difference in Out-of-Home Care this year

Your Church and the Homeward Project

Help transform Out-of-home Care in your community.


Churches Community Foster Care Kinship Care Supporting Carers Trauma Volunteer

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