Become a Homeward Advocate

Help lead a movement for change. Be a champion for The Homeward Project in your church.

Homeward Advocates are ambassadors within their church community for children and families involved in the Out-of-Home Care system. Supported by the Homeward Project team every step of the way, Homeward Advocates are familiar with the Homeward framework and resources, in order to raise awareness and provide pathways for people to get involved in a range of different ways.

Together we’ll explore the unique ways your church can make a difference in this area of great need and great opportunity. We’ll provide you with ideas, practical resources, ongoing support, and connections with other Homeward Advocates so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, or build and carry a whole new ministry on your own. 

As a Homeward Advocate you will:

  • Raise awareness about a ministry of Out-of-Home Care in your church
  • Be the point-person for enquiries and referring people to their potential next step
  • Connect with local foster care organisations
  • Receive regular coaching from The Homeward Project team to discuss ideas, planning, and any support needs.

Homeward Advocates:

  • Have personal or professional experience in the Out-of-Home Care space, or if not, a strong commitment to learn from those who do,
  • Have capacity to invest time and energy on a regular basis to represent this area of ministry within their church, and
  • Endorse the values and guiding principles of The Homeward Project.

If this sounds like you, request the Homeward Advocate resource below to explore this opportunity further, or email us at to line up a conversation at

Together we can see more homes available for children who need one, carers well supported, and the local church making a positive difference in the Out-of-Home Care space!

You can read more about how The Homeward Project comes alongside local churches to shape and sustain a local ministry of Out-of-Home Care here.

Other Resources


  • Tommy’s ‘You Party’

  • Yāṯôm part six: Parting words for the journey ahead

  • Salt and light.

  • Yāṯôm part five: Don’t forget where you came from

  • Yāṯôm part four: The promise that makes all the difference

  • Interrupted. Christine’s story

Your Church and the Homeward Project

Help transform Out-of-home Care in your community.


Churches Community Foster Care Kinship Care Supporting Carers Trauma Volunteer

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