Caring for carers: Wrap-around support

The Caring for Carers resource is your guide to providing holistic support for those who are opening their home to children and young people, whether through foster care, kinship care, permanent care, or adoption.

It is our desire that none of these families would be on this journey alone and that this resource will help you to walk together.

As a pastor, friend, family member, small group member, or church volunteer, you have a significant role to play!

The Caring for Carers resource includes:

  • The need for support
  • Building a wrap-around team
  • Tips for churches caring for carers
  • Exploring expectations

Download the free resource today.

The Wrap-around Teams video series and accompanying Facilitator Guide will equip a carer’s team to gather and grow in understanding and have a practical conversation about providing holistic support for the journey.

For foster carers, kinship carers, permanent carers, or adoptive parents.

Find out more and access the Wrap-around Teams resource below.

Other Resources


  • Tommy’s ‘You Party’

  • Yāṯôm part six: Parting words for the journey ahead

  • Salt and light.

  • Yāṯôm part five: Don’t forget where you came from

  • Yāṯôm part four: The promise that makes all the difference

  • Interrupted. Christine’s story

Your Church and the Homeward Project

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