One Sunday morning, Tommy* was brought to church by his carers. Carrying his action-figure everywhere he went, five-year-old Tommy was cuddly, determined, and funny.
Tommy had been in foster care homes since he was a little boy. Most placements had lasted only a few months, some just a week or two.
Tommy’s foster carer was full of joy talking about him. She spoke about his favourite characters, what he loves, his jokes. She talked of his good days and teared up thinking about his hard days. She told us how she just wished his darkest season was behind him, and how she hoped for joy in his future, free of fear. Here was a woman with her mama-heart fighting for this boy.
The church community joined the fight with her. They threw a party for him and his friends, all themed around being an incredible superhero. His school friends came, one by one, dressed as superheroes. They played ‘pass the parcel’, ate popcorn and cake, the works. They celebrated their little mate like only five-year-olds know how.
Most of the kids wished him happy birthday. That’s what it felt like to them. But it wasn’t his birthday. At the cake-cutting time, instead of singing to him, his foster carers shared things they were proud of. They shared things they loved about him and things they hoped for him. They were celebrating Tommy’s longest foster placement ever. He’d been with them for a whole year. Some of Tommy’s friends’ parents teared up and a few of them shared how much Tommy’s story and his family’s care had impacted their lives.
Tommy’s foster carer shared, “He doesn’t remember his own birthday, but he talks about his party all the time and so do his school friends. When he talks about it, his whole face lights up.”
Over time, a child’s memories create a unique history – made up of people, big events, and little moments – that tells the story of who they are. The party is part of Tommy’s history now. A real, happy memory, and it goes wherever he goes. When he was five, his family celebrated him. They proved they were for him and that he is worth celebrating, just for being here.
You can help write part of a child’s story by throwing them a beautiful party. Partnering with a foster family to celebrate their child will help them say, “We love you, and we’re here for you, no matter what.”
There are more than 45,000 children living in Out-of-Home Care in Australia. Each and every one of them needs to know that they are worth celebrating.
You Parties is an initiative of Queensland Baptists. They believe the local church is called to be the family of God, serving and caring for one another as Jesus has for us.
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has anything and sees his brother or sister in need but has no compassion for them how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:16-18
You Parties is an easy-to-use resource for local churches to help them partner with foster families & celebrate the children in their care. The party kits are designed carefully to communicate love and value to children in Out-of-Home Care by celebrating them in unique and fun ways. Each kit comes with the option to throw four kinds of parties based on a child’s age. You Parties can be tailor-made to meet the needs of each individual child & family so they know that they are truly loved and cared for.
A child’s party becomes part of their story and the memories they make stay with them forever. You can help create a beautiful story for a child and make hope part of their history.
For more information or to purchase a You Parties kit, visit
*Name has been changed for confidentiality.
The Homeward Project exists to inspire and equip local churches to make a difference in the Out-of-Home Care space. There are so many ways you can engage and we’re here to help you explore them. Take a look at how we’d love to partner with your church here, where you can download the free Discovery Guide for some initial inspiration and guidance. You can get in touch with us directly by emailing