Find your people, first

Your health as a carer and care family is not solely dependent on how strong you or your family are. Community is an essential component of helping you thrive.

We are wired for connection. In community is where we flourish. As you commit to providing Foster Care or Kinship Care, your community is being called to journey with you.

The reality is you cannot do this alone. Parenting in general suffers when parents are isolated. People set out with good intentions, but that isn’t enough to sustain you during the tough times. You need a plan. And a big part of that plan is inviting people into the journey from the beginning.

Don’t wait until you hit crisis or breaking point. Intentionally build a support system and let your community participate in caring for your children and young people.

Wrap-around Teams

We have created Wrap-around Team material that will equip you to have an informative and practical conversation with your self-selected group of people who are committed to providing you with holistic support on the Foster Care journey. Learn more about Wrap-around Teams here.

Respite Care

Is there someone in your life who might be interested in committing to respite care from the outset? It involves the same training and assessment process as full-time carers, so you could go on the journey together! Agencies will have processes they need to follow, so just be open with what you’re looking to do and see what can be arranged.

Your Church Family

Are you part of a church community? We don’t only want to encourage more people to Foster but to invite whole churches to come around people as they do.

Carers, we need you, your kids, and your experiences feeding into the church community and the church wants to help support you.

There will be people in your church community who aren’t in a position to be a carer but have the heart and capacity to serve in other ways. Start a conversation. Check out The Homeward Project: Church Discovery Pack here.

Other Resources


  • Tommy’s ‘You Party’

  • Yāṯôm part six: Parting words for the journey ahead

  • Salt and light.

  • Yāṯôm part five: Don’t forget where you came from

  • Yāṯôm part four: The promise that makes all the difference

  • Interrupted. Christine’s story

Your Church and the Homeward Project

Help transform Out-of-home Care in your community.


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