Tag: Foster Care

  • The outcomes for children who’ve been in Out of Home Care do not tell a good story. Regardless of the reasons for it, separation from family is a traumatic experience. This trauma is often compounded by multiple placements resulting from any combination of the impacts of trauma, ill-equipped carers, or decisions being made by a …
    Read more: A different outcome?
  • Kids & Youth Program Guidelines: Considering Out-of-Home Care. When designing and offering programs, churches can support Foster Carers to meet their obligations and provide inclusive environments for young people in Out-of-Home Care. We’ve prepared some guidelines to help you, which include considerations in the following areas: Download the guidelines below. We’ve also created some Communication …
    Read more: Program guidelines
  • There can be a range of concerns for people when considering Foster Care. Being a ‘public parent’ can be difficult and the department decision-making process can be frustrating. Handling behaviours you might not have encountered before, navigating impacts on your biological children, and engaging with birth parents are all unique and potentially very real challenges …
    Read more: Having to say goodbye
  • Culture is a key consideration within the Out-of-Home Care space. Regardless of the reason why a child or young person enters the care systems, it involves loss. They experience a level of disconnection from their family and the world they’ve known. Culture is interrelated with family, identity, safety, and wellbeing. Disconnection from culture represents another …
    Read more: Care and culture
  • Your health as a carer and care family is not solely dependent on how strong you or your family are. Community is an essential component of helping you thrive. We are wired for connection. In community is where we flourish. As you commit to providing Foster Care or Kinship Care, your community is being called …
    Read more: Find your people, first
  • Our theology and philosophy of Foster Care is grace-based for everyone involved in the story of a child in out-of-home care. This article outlines what being a team player looks like in the Foster Care space. Foster Carers are part of a team, working in partnership to provide what’s best for the child. This team …
    Read more: Team players

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